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Domestic Violence Statistics in India

Domestic violence is a significant problem in India, with millions of women experiencing some form of abuse in their lifetime. According to the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4) conducted in 2015-16, 30% of married women in India reported experiencing physical, sexual, or emotional violence by their spouse. This number is concerning, as it means that nearly one in three women in India is a victim of domestic violence.

The situation is even worse for women in rural areas, where 35% of married women reported experiencing domestic violence, compared to 26% in urban areas. Moreover, younger women, those with no education, and those from lower economic classes are more likely to experience domestic violence.

The most common form of violence reported by women in India is emotional violence, followed by physical violence, and sexual violence. Emotional violence includes verbal abuse, insults, and humiliation, while physical violence includes acts such as slapping, hitting, and beating. Sexual violence includes forced sexual acts and rape.

Comparison to Worldwide Statistics

India is not alone in facing the problem of domestic violence. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in three women worldwide experiences physical or sexual violence in their lifetime. This number is similar to the statistics in India, which means that domestic violence is a global issue that affects women from all countries and cultures.

Moreover, the pandemic has made the situation worse, with the lockdowns and economic hardships increasing the number of domestic violence cases in many countries. According to the United Nations, there has been a 20% increase in domestic violence cases worldwide since the COVID-19 pandemic began.

In terms of the types of violence, emotional abuse is the most common form of domestic violence worldwide, followed by physical violence and sexual violence. Like in India, women in rural areas and those with lower levels of education and income are more likely to experience domestic violence.


Domestic violence is a significant problem in India, with one in three women experiencing some form of abuse by their spouse. Emotional violence is the most common form of violence reported by women in India, followed by physical violence and sexual violence. This situation is similar to the worldwide statistics, which means that domestic violence is a global issue that requires attention and action.

It is important to raise awareness about domestic violence and to provide support to victims. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, seek help and support to break the cycle of abuse. Remember that domestic violence is never the victim’s fault, and it is never too late to seek help.

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